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"Thank you for reaching out to people like me. As I have been in the search for understanding I have been to quite a few websites of this kind. I just can't express how much yours stands out from the crowd!" Raisa Monteiro
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Hi Friend,
Really thank you and appreciate your devoted to send down this inspiring and heart lifting words to me. God bless you. Please, I need more of these. Your friend, G Azuonwu

Hi Leslie,
Just thought I write a quick note to tell you that I had a chance to look at more of your website today. I had seen something about The Science of Getting Rich before, but never read it. I skimmed through it today and alot of it rang true to me. I think the ideas will help me change some of my behavior. So far I like what I see. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Lori

I agree completely. Nothing more to say. On a humorous note - George Carlin "I grew up steeped in s**t" - meaning that the environment was such that his body developed defenses and grew stronger to protect itself as his life went on. Unlike the "lily white" (individuals) of today that live in sterile, controlled, unchallenged environments. (Insight of the Day "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun." Napoleon Hill 1883-1970, Author of Think And Grow Rich)

Loved and appreciated the transcripts. I'll pass the info to others. Thanks

You've got my number on this one... :) (Insight of the Day "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." Mark Twain 1835-1910, Humorist and Writer)

Well, I must say I'm amazed. You certainly have a knack for this. I remember you sharing these ideas with me when my grandma died, but your analogy really helps bring it to life. I guess I need to go write my goals down!

I hope you don't mind, but I shared it with a friend of mine that was very much in need of just that kind of inspiration. It greatly affected her, and she hasn't even finished it yet. I have to push her to finish. I know she needs the message, but she's so busy picking up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, that she just doesn't have the time to catch the rabbits! Would you please send your revised story to me? I would love to read it again. It has helped me so much to stick to my guns, and ask for what I want. Not just in general, but from people as well. I have to call you and tell you what's been going on! It's just amazing. My cell phone has a little message that's always there. Before I read your story, it said "don't call" (I'll explain why) and after reading it, I changed the message. It now says "Believe". And I have, and I do. Thanks so much! Love, Suz

This is light reading with a profound message...unexpected, and with concepts you may have never 'thought' of. A reality that hits many of us, mixed with a little intrigue, and a solution that resonates! Claire

I wish I had the time to talk with you....we are in sync with many things... The idea is great....the book is really good....

Thank you. I'm writing down all that I know I will have. I have much to do, starting with being thankful to God for all my blessings. Mostly, the blessings of my family and friends. Have a wonderful day! - Suzanne

Okay, I'm in tears now! And feeling better and more positive, loved, guided and directed than I ever have in my entire life. I can't even begin to tell you how bad this day started, or the day before, but I know how it's going to end! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I love you! You are amazing! Just amazing. And you know what? So am I! Love, Suz

So far it's amazing...! I'm near tears, on page 54. This is hitting home. Thank god for the blessing of having you for a friend. You have no idea how much I needed this right this moment. Wow.

Thank you... Wonderful story (MEANT TO BE). Just what I needed to hear tonight. Thank you. jacqui (response to Insight of the day)

Thanks for your candid article just prior to the national election. You hit the nail right on the head and it would seem from the way things turned out that many folks around the country are in tune with your sentiments completely. I believe the prayer of God's people played a crucial role in the final outcome of the election. Thanks again for having the conviction and courage to share your thoughts with all of us concerning these most important matters. May God bless you as you continue to make a difference in people's lives! Joyfully, Jim, Edna & Andrew

Dear Leslie,
Looking forward for it. (insights) Regards, Vanita

This is great. Thank you for thinking of me! Joyce

Thank you and God bless you (he will) I look forward to them. Theresa

Thank you its a lovely blessing! I love my king. Donna (Insights)

Thank you for what you are doing. Magaly

Dear Leslie,
I just read your article "A Vote For Broccoli" in the Family First e-newsletter. I really enjoyed it and agree 100% Its beyond me how people in this day and age only want what can be handed to them instead of working for it. As I'm writing this President Bush has now won. I told my children, we should be on our knees thanking our Savior for putting back this man of principle and moral values! Although he may make mistakes, he projects himself as a true leader, not someone promising the others expense. For the first time in years (we've been married 18 years with 2 children) we did not pay income tax. We fall into that middle income bracket, the ones some people like to bleed dry for "their" causes. Thank you for an enlightening article! Lisa

Hi Leslie! Thanks for the note...I agree as you probably know, but thanks for putting my feelings down so eloquently! I hope all is well for you guys. Im so glad you got to go to Arizona and get some of those blessings that Heavenly Father had in store for you and your willingness to eat broccoli instead of always going for the cupcake! It will be interesting to see what happens today. I must have said a hundred prayers that President Bush will be undefeated...I fear that if Kerry is voted in, the cupcake we will be eating will taste more like the stuff that my dog leaves in the yard! Take care and visit when you can! Love Susan

You are incredible! I hope you don't mind if I forwarded this to everyone on my contact list. It was great to read and especially right before elections! We're praying!!! What is your phone #? I still need to come see your house. Thanks! Happy Halloween!

Just beautiful. “The Jackrabbit Factor” is a must read for all who want to think bigger about who they are and what they offer the world. What a beautiful and inspiring story of courage and grace that gives the reader a step-by-step blueprint for doing extraordinary (BIG) things with their life.” – Michael Port, author, The Think Big Revolution: A Personal Manifesto for Thinking Bigger About Who You Are And What You Offer The World and Book Yourself Solid, The 7 Keys To Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even If You Hate Marketing And Selling

WOW!! I am so amazed at your book... you have a gift, (no doubt developed through much experience) and have left a deep imprint on my heart and mind... please make sure you send an order form when your book is published... I know hundreds that must have this beautiful work!! Thanks for sharing your rare and unique talent!! Thank you a million times!! Jim

This is fantastic... very well done... I should be finished in a day or two and will give you some feed back, but for now... WOW! I love it! Thanks!

Some books are about issues; some are about people. I perceive that "The Jack Rabbit Factor" is about feelings. It is the kind of book you'll want to share with those with whom you have a caring relationship. Because it is such an easy "read", you will turn the last page and wish there was more. - Dave

Your book, the Jack Rabbit was very easy to convey to my young listeners in the car. With Jordan wanting to hold the manuscript I was reading, I had little challenge to keep them tuned into the story. We all enjoyed the plot and the feelings that each main character worked out in their personal crisis. I found it amazing to see that my young teenage children could already in their young lives relate to the desprate feelings of these two characters, Richard and Felicity. This young couple dealing with decision and regret, working out problems and making sense of situations through change of heart and applying sound principles. I was so happy to read your work with my family... I learned with them and in the process, knew that I was reading something that was inspiring. As a parent, I want to see my children learn that life's challenges may seem overwhelming at times, yet as we learn through them we gain greater value from the experience. If they can learn from others' experiences, such as Richard's and Felicity's, they can avoid uneeded consequences and lean more into their dreams and begin the process of seeing their deeply rooted aspirations surface to reality. The principle of faith was taught simply yet profoundly in the diologue --the concept taken from obscurity to pure sensible logic!!! WHAT VALUE FOR OUR YOUNG READERS! As I walked with Richard through the pages, I felt good knowing that wealthy, wise mentors do exsist and want to share. I think that as a young adult I would have put this book up there with Johnathan Livingston Seagull--SOAR HIGH, BE AWARE, AND LIVE! Love, Carolyn

Thank you so much for the encouraging email. It was very up-lifting and inspiring to me. I was actually teary-eyed when I read the part of Heavenly Father knows my struggles and feel my compassion. I felt a difference in my heart when I read that, also my day went fairly well that day. I look forward to your inspiring emails, and yes, I will continue reading the book. Thank you again Cynthia

Dear Leslie,
I am writing on behalf of my father. Attached is his endorsement for your book, "The Jackrabbit Factor". On a more personal note. As I am his daughter, he let me read it, and I must tell you that I was so impressed, that I have been telling all of my friends about it. It has changed my way of thinking and I wanted to thank you for writing it. Best of luck with the publishing of it. It is one of the best one of it's genre that I have read in a long time. ~G

For 15 years I have helped people achieve financial freedom in Real Estate and the Stock Market, but I have discovered that those who actually make it happen have first experienced a significant switch in their mentality and attitude. I am convinced that this unassuming, but powerful story will actually facilitate that shift for those who are finally ready to live the abundant life, no matter what their vehicle to freedom may be. Furthermore, if they don't know their vehicle, this will teach them how to find the "right vehicle and road map." ~ Mark Larson, two time best selling author of "Trade Stocks Online" and "Technical charting for Profits".

Wow—it is easy to tell you are a writer. J A great story and we are very proud of you stepping out like this with your new book. Congratulations!!!! Andy is truly honored by your request for his endorsement. Regretfully, he is unable to do so because of contract agreements with four different publishers... Good luck on this awesome project!!!! Robert

Hi Leslie,
By the way, thank you for having the courage to publish this ... As a Bishop I have several ...who need this desperately, you can be sure I will be sharing it with them as well as others. Again, thank you for paying the price and then having the courage to continue by giving it away to other seekers. With high regard, M

Hi, Leslie. I so enjoyed meeting you yesterday and thank you for the various pieces of helpful information you shared with me. You are a lovely woman, and I am grateful. ... Many blessings to you and yours, Leslie. Love, CL

Thank you for these “Insight of the Day” emails. They are inspiring. I appreciate being plugged into a system as well. I finally got my hard copy of “The Jackrabbit Factor”. My wife and I have both enjoyed many lengthy conversations from our reading of it. We have also enjoyed reading and many continued conversations (and your follow-up) emails regarding your “Heavenly Help with Money Matters”. Awesome Stuff!!! Thought: My wife have come to a conclusion – that she and I wouldn’t be getting most of this (understanding the message of your books and making significant strides with the messages provided) like we do – had we not gone through the 3-day (beliefs) seminar, 90-day coaching and advanced 90-day Leadership programs we’ve attended during the past few years. The wonderful world of opportunities we both SEE so clearly now -- that have always been there – that we hadn’t recognized (or noticed) before – because of our beliefs. For Example: I’ve read “As a Man Thinketh” over and over again – through the years. Some things I would get (understand) and make the appropriate adjustments to my thinking and reasoning. Some things I’d get but not know or understand how to make the adjustment of what to do. I have the tools now that facilitate me in making these adjustments.

Hi Leslie,
I'm a mother of five and working in Church employment while my husband is doing his own business. Were very contented as family but since my husband started his own business we have no fixed income and my salary is not enough for my family to survive if my husband has no project. I have read your book and it really inspires me thank you for writing this book it really helps me a lot. looking forward for your reminder. Thank you and have a nice day, Imelda

Thank you for the book. I'm printing it right now so I can start reading it at lunch today. BTW...are John and Barbara Sims Amway/Quixtar business owners? I was in Amway years ago and they sound like the John & Barbara I've seen and heard. I wasn't in their group but I was connected to their upline (Don & Nancy Wilson, Dexter & Birdie Yager). I remember John's voice. The seatbelt story also sounds like his style of teaching to me. Kevin

Hi Leslie,
It's nice to hear from you. Thanks for the offer. I am actually in Utah today and unfortunately, will not be able to make it to Arizona. Best of luck with your book signing today. I hope at some point I will get to meet you face-to-face. Thanks, Whitney

Dear Leslie,
I am writing to confirm my subscription! It looks like lovely potpouri! I am looking forward to enjoying your works! Polly

Congratulations, Leslie!
It's wonderful that you have taken Loral's program and run with it. I heard her at 3% and was very, very impressed. My wife graduates and will be ordained in June, and then we plan to be moving back west. Exactly where, of course, is to be determined, but we will never be too far from Phoenix because we have family there. It will be nice to chat with you face to face when we can. Many blessings, Wes
PS - I just received my SGR recordings from the CD duplication lab and I'm like a proud poppa! I know you felt the same way when you got Jackrabbit hot off the press. (Well, probably more like a proud momma!) Creating something tangible that will change lives is a great feeling.

I'd love to meet you face to face because I know we'd have a lot to talk about. Camille has said some really nice things about you! Although we lived in Phoenix for years, we're in Kansas City now while my wife is in ministerial school. (The Goal Achiever effect!) Many blessings, Wes

Well, VA is pretty far from AZ, but if I were there, I'd definitely come over and meet you. Hope it goes really well! Pam

Hi Leslie,
Are you traveling? How's that working out with the family and all? I live in Vancouver, Washington which is close to Portland, Oregon. Let me know if you ever come this way. I don't get to Phoenix very often, LOL. Warmly, Kathryn

Sure wish I could be there, but I'm not! ..this morning, [one of my friends] who bought your book through me told me that about 20 more books have been bought through Amazon as a result. She bought additional ones, her husband bought some for people at work, and someone she gave one to bought more. Way to go! Joyce

hey congrats on the book signing!! Wish I could be there. :) Marnie

Thanks for emailing back. It's cool to see that you play Cashflow. Who do you play with? When I host the Club I don't really get to play. I started the Cashflow 101/202 Club a 2-3 years ago. We are a pretty large group. We usually have 40-60 people attend each meeting. Last month we had 80-85 (we invited folks to bring their children to play Cashflow for Kids and we had a speaker who tailored their presentation to a family audience). Our largest gathering, to date, was 140 people. That was pretty wild! Can you imagine that many crazy people playing Cashflow all at the same time?! Because of our size, the folks at Robert's office heard about us. I've been able to develop a pretty good relationship with some of Robert's staff. They have been very supportive of our group. I look forward to meeting you in the near future... The information you have put out will definately be helpful...Thank you, Kevin

Until yesterday I had never heard of you. I stumbled upon the website and I listened to your brief audio. I then went to your website...I went to to see what you have published and ordered the book Heavenly Help...

Dear Leslie,
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your messages. They really make my day. I reread them frequently and always come back feeling better. Your messages and your book go so well together. Thanks again for being the way you are.
Yours truly, Willie

Hi Leslie ~
Just wanted to keep in touch...hope all is well with you. I have visited your new and improved web site and think it is great! I am looking forward to getting my website complete so we can become affiliates Please let me know if and when I can help you in any way. Sincerely, Lisa

I just got The Jackrabbit Factor last night and finished reading it today. I loved it! I felt like it had some pieces of the puzzle I've been missing. It was also fun to see myself in the story (I'm off the rat race track, but don't know how to find rabbits). I sat down to start writing my goals and realized I have a question for you. I have three short term goals (being thin, some home improvements, and a grand piano) and two long term goals (paying off our house and being a best-selling author). Do I set all five goals simultaneously with different dates for each one and read them each every day? Or do I pick my biggest goal and concentrate on that? Or do I put them all under one date? Thanks for writing the book! I have three young kids so I can imagine the sacrifice it was for you to write it. As an interesting side note, I am LDS and I live in Queen Creek. But I was actually referred to your book by a Buddhist who lives in Colorado! Thanks again for all your help! Alisa

Dear Leslie,
Thank you so much for the ebook. I learned a lot from it. I do hope and pray that I will have my own financial breaktrhoughs. I've been financially broke ever since I could remember. I have five siblings and I'm the only one who embraced the Christian Full Gospel faith, the rest are Catholics but they are all prosperous while I am poor, financially dependent. Troubles come and go for me and its a miracle I am free, not in jail. I've been running away from my creditors. And since I've been like that, my siblings don't help me anymore. They see me as hopeless. I am married, we have two sons. Both my husband and I have been in and out of job. I've really been questioning God what's wrong. I've been casting out curses in my family and my life since I was a child. And I've been trying to recall in my childhood of anything to do with my troubles now. But I could not recall any. Nevertheless, I still did some inner healing and breaking of curses if any. Blessings do come at one time or another, thank God. or I would have gone crazy. But blessings don't last long. They fade away. I sent you this email because as I read your book, I could relate to your old life, too. You might be able to help me. Am practicing the principles in your ebook. I was able to read Wallace's The Science of Getting Rich a month before I came to know your book. Thanks so much. God bless you for your ministry which is very timely especially here in the Phils. Thanks, Arcelli

Hi Leslie, you have a real down to earth and helpful site and the tone is humble and sincere and inspiring. Great, congratulations! Thank you for your time...and WARMEST REGARDS! Have a great day...every day of your life! Dr. Mohan

I never received lessons 2, 3 and 4. Will you please send them to me? Thanks! Melanie

Congrats on your upcoming book signing!!!! I'm sorry but I don't live close to Phoenix- as you well know. :- ) Hope all is well with you and yours... Stella

Dear Leslie,
No I haven't I can't seem to get it downloaded on my computer. Is there another way that I can receive this book I would like to read it. Carrie

Dear Leslie;
Just the other day I was setting at the computer reading your thoughts of the day and writing down, in detail, my goals for my business plans. A week or so before, I had taken my picture with a digital camera to put on some of my advertising for my business. I put this same picture on my computer desktop, why? I don't know, just playing around I guess. To my amazement, looking at this picture made me look at myself in a totally different but positive way. As I was writing down my goals and looking at this picture at the same time, I had no doubt that this man is a successful man and will not only reach his goals but exceed them beyond his own dreams. I guess that you can say that "seeing is really believing". Thanks for your support, Tom

Thanks much for your thanks, Leslie. So appreciate your good words ... Just started reading your "Jackrabbit Factor." I'm sure it will be a satisfying journey. And I very much look forward to seeing you later this month. Love and blessings to you, CLP

Yes, Leslie. Thank you very much. I appreciate it very much. I will be submitting my goal for your review based on the principles by Sat at the latest. I hope to absorb my goal quickly so that I am taking right actions that will quickly turn around the results in my life. And actually meet a big transforming goal and set another. Ultimately providing the service and live the life I have always felt I am supposed to be. I am so thankful you wrote this book and that you took the time to answer my email. I look forward to more wisdom, J

Hi Leslie,
Thank you very much for writing this book! It is very powerful and so very interesting. I have - over the past 8 months been exposed to many of the teachings you offer yet had previously not been "getting it" the way I desired. And your book has really opened some things up for me. It has also brought up a question that I am wrestling with. I am going to use your service of goal setting review - I am so grateful that you are offering this - thank you! At the same time I have a question on how to start or a clarification I am asking- if you will answer - so that I can maximize this experience. I am willing to do whatever is required to get the information. It may help if I explain. 9 months ago I lost my job very suddenly - in fact was supposed to retire financially free and instead lost my job. I had been working from home the primary bread winner. I had a baby I had waited to have until I thought I was secure. And then no money - and baby that I was determined I would stay home with and still be prosperous. And this time really be prosperous and have my own mission if you will. I looked in the paper and as I was feeling so sad about possibly having to settle for a medicore job and not be with [my daughter] - I became so clear on what I wanted to be with her... and right then I saw an ad for a business opportunity that I joined. So do I take that as the sign like the pen and paper appearing? Through joining this business I became immediately exposed to these lessons you write of. And then led to you and your book. I am very grateful for this journey I am on. At the same time my business has not taken off. And I have been struggling and now I am financially at a bizarre place. I seem to come close each week to breaking through and growing my team and then it does not happen. And after 8 months I know that there is something that I am not doing right - and after reading your book I know this to be true. thus the questions that follow... And yet I know that it won't always be so and in fact is ending very very soon. I will be wealthy and I will be flourishing with my daughter and my husband. (in fact I've felt a little crazy since the evidence seems stacked against me from past results) I have been asking for guidance in understanding and then was led to your book - felt possessed to go on your site and then found your goal setting form - wanted to ask you a question adn then saw the contact button and know here I sit about to ask you as clearly as I can from my fledgling standpoint. So.... my question is when I set my I set my goal on the end result I want and include also success in this business I am in? Or do I set the other aspects of the goal in relation to time with family money service experiences I want to have... and just let the business succeed if that is the means or let something else come in to guide me there quickly? I mean can I choose the vehicle? For example can I say I will have so many sales per month or change so many lives with this opportunity and expereince this level of success in this business because...and then my why? Is the rabbit the business or vehicle or is that the how? Is my why the rabbit or is that what I am getting the rabbit for? Is the rabbit money or the vehicle to get the money to live the lifestyle and have the experiences? I am so thankful for your time and consideration in answering this email I am looking forward to working with you.

I hope all is well with you. Would you give me permission to use your article “Goal For It!” in my upcoming e-book project, "Ordinary People Can Achieve Their Lofty Goals"? This e-book will include advice from some of the highest achievers in the world, including Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Carl Mays, and Rick Beneteau. I'll include a resource box with your information and an appendix of resources where you can include an offer for one of your materials. Please let me know if you will allow me to use your material. Thanks and take care. David DeFord

Hey Leslie,
Thanks for taking the time to give me a great answer. I appreciate the insights. I am on my way to a business meeting and when time permits, let you know what I learned from my campaign. Maybe between the two of us, we can figure out how to make things even more successful next time around. I think ultimately, it does have to do with what God has in mind. :-) Kathleen

In reading the book the second time, I found a few things - either words run together or a word left out of a sentence. Do you want to know about them, or not. If your printer would charge you more to make changes, maybe you want to just leave it alone. It's always easier for me to find errors in someone else's work than my own! It is a wonderful book and these things are so minor that they don't really make a difference. Thanks again for everything. Joyce

Well, Leslie, I presented your book tonight... Wish you would have been there to do it. I struggled getting it started but we had some great discussion... You've got [them] all fired up. Thanks for writing the book. Hey, if you get the church news, there's a great article on the back cover today that talks about having positive thoughts. One of the sisters brought it and it went well with the class. JP

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